Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Settled science: Greenhouse gases have caused 79% of warming; black carbon 18%, UHI 2-4%; all other factors evidently cancel each other out

City heat is a small contributor to global warming, Stanford study finds
"Between 2 and 4 percent of the gross global warming since the Industrial Revolution may be due to urban heat islands," said Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering who led the study. He and graduate student John Ten Hoeve compare this with the greenhouse gas contribution to gross warming of about 79 percent and the black carbon contribution of about 18 percent.
Some global warming skeptics have claimed that the urban heat island effect is so strong that it has been skewing temperature measurements that show that global warming is happening. They [who, specifically, has made this argument?] have argued that urban areas are a larger contributor to global warming than the greenhouse gases produced by human activity, and thus drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are not needed.
...Funding for the research was contributed by NASA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

1 comment:

William Teach said...

Actually, the UN blamed cities for being the biggest contributers to globull warming:
