Tuesday, October 04, 2011

UN climate change [hoax] envoy urges action to avert floods, drought, hunger
U.N. special envoy on climate change Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland and her 22-person international commission started warning countries to avert global warming in 1987.
"We have a number of very dangerous trends that are increasing,” Brundtland said, such as those visible in the poles' rapidly melting ice caps, where fresh water is streaming into the oceans and sunlight normally reflected off snowy surfaces is being absorbed as heat, amplifying worldwide warming. "We are seeing the sea level increasing, so island states could be flooded over."
September: SUV the Planet - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online
with September’s sales numbers, there’s more egg on the White House face: The companies they rescued are prospering because they are selling giant, Obama-hated, gas-guzzling SUVs like hotcakes.
More US funding for Australian carbon capture technology
The Australian-based Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute has received another $500,000 from the US Department of State to help develop commercial technologies.

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