Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Warmist English Major Chris Mooney (born 1977) reminds us that for some reason, he's on the board of directors of the American Geophysical Union

Chris Mooney | Why Communicating Science is So Money
Yes, you read that right, $ 25,000! (Full disclosure: I am on the board of directors of the American Geophysical Union, but I did not select Schmidt for the prize or have fore-knowledge of his selection; nor was I involved in the creation of the prize, which is funded by Nature’s Own.)
Out of the Closet: English Majors-Turned-Science Writers : The Intersection
I bet there are lots of others out there like Oulette and myself. In fact, here's another now: Tim Appenzeller, science editor of National Geographic. And here's yet another: Our very own Carl Zimmer here at Scienceblogs.

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