Friday, November 25, 2011

Amory Lovins shills his book on NPR

RMI’s Reinventing Fire Cuts Carbon by 82% While Saving $5 Trillion

Introducing the book, Lovins said, “Humans are inventing a new fire–not dug from below but flowing from above, not scarce but bountiful, not local but everywhere. This new fire is not transient but permanent…and grown in ways that sustain and endure. Each of you owns a piece of that $5-trillion prize.”

Even more impressive, said Lovins, in an interview on NPR’s Science Friday that this can be done by private industry, at a profit, thereby circumvention the stalemate in Congress. Customer Reviews: Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era

Other opportunities include less driving (eg. insurance based on miles driven cuts mileage 8% - 'PAYD;' car-pooling - spontaneous and standardized), lower speed limits.
Joe Romm and Paul Krugman add some intersting points regarding solar power. In most applications, it competes with retail prices, not the far lower wholesale prices because it is hooked up on a roof and plugged directly into the grid - avoiding expensive transmission. Costs are declining are 7%/year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is an excellent run down of Amory Lovins at the link below. At best Mr. Lovins is just not a credible authority. At worst he's a charlatan.