Tuesday, November 15, 2011

BBC drops Frozen Planet's climate change episode to sell show better abroad - Telegraph

British viewers will see seven episodes, the last of which deals with global warming and the threat to the natural world posed by man.

However, viewers in other countries, including the United States, will only see six episodes.

Will The Polar Bears Survive? | Real Science

According to GISS, temperatures in Western Greenland (the fastest warming place on Earth) have been declining for the past 90 years. Can the bears survive the cold?

Energy Externality Pseudoscience: Unmasking Krugman’s Argument Against Fossil Fuels — MasterResource

Krugman is welcome to argue for his personal political philosophy, which, in my reading, is a hybrid of utilitarianism, egalitarianism, and economic authoritarianism. But he should not abuse his economic prestige to smuggle his political views under “Economics 101.” The idea of dealing with pollution issues via “externality” calculations rather than by proper definition of air and water rights, is highly dubious and anything but self-evident.

Global Warming To Turn Germany Into Death Valley | Real Science

Munich made it all the way up to 82F this past July, so 122F certainly seems within the realm of what any crack smoking climate scientist could forecast.

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