Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog: UN climate change negotiations, Durban, November 2011 - Norton Rose Group

The COP plenary hall feels smaller than those at Copenhagen and Cancun, and the NGO “compound” at the back of the hall is typically crowded. The opening ceremony will be addressed by President Zuma.

In the halls, observers chat about prospects for COP. Much of the focus is on the EU's “roadmap” idea, where targets and actions might “sit” and “the future” of the Kyoto Protocol. The carbon markets community is clearly preoccupied by the idea of having greater certainty with respect to the market mechanisms, something which delegates, NGOs and the Secretariat, all seem to be taking seriously.

Scientists Behaving Badly - Jim Lacey - National Review Online

Global-warming skeptics spend much of their time knocking down the fatuous warmist claim that the science is settled. According to the warmists, this singular piece of settled science is attested to by hundreds or thousands of highly credentialed scientists. In truth, virtually the entire warmist edifice is built around a small, tightly knit coterie of persons (one hesitates to refer to folks with so little respect for the scientific method as scientists) willing to falsify data and manipulate findings; or, to put it bluntly, to lie in order to push a political agenda not supported by empirical evidence. This is what made the original release of the Climategate e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia so valuable. They clearly identified the politicized core of climate watchers who were driving the entire warmist agenda. Following in their footsteps are all the other scientists who built their own research on top of the fraudulent data produced by the warmist core.

Documentation Of A Cozy Interaction Between An AMS BAMS Editor And Phil Jones | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

This-mail exchange shows how much of an “old boys” network, the review process is. 

CO2 Turned The IPCC Into A Newt | Real Science

Temperatures in Dublin have dropped a couple of degrees over the last twenty years, which seems to have frightened the Irish Times into a deep concern about global warming.

UN Climate Head Commences Durban With The Big Lie | Real Science

Exactly 83 years ago, a similar storm hit the same region of South Africa. CO2 was 310 ppm at the time.

Government moves to calm carbon capture funding fears | Environment |

The government was forced to reassure the carbon capture and storage industry on Monday after comments from the Treasury appeared to cast doubt on the future of £1bn funding for the technology.

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