Thursday, November 24, 2011

Climate change fears 'have been exaggerated' say scientists who claim apocalyptic predictions are unlikely | Mail Online

‘The results imply less probability of extreme climatic change than previously thought,’ said the U.S. government-funded scientists.

Labor MP: back the carbon tax, or we’ll all die | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Could Marshall cite a single credible scientist who agrees with his astonishingly stupid alarmism?

Obama Blocks $100 Billion Climate Fund

The US is refusing to sign off on a flagship global climate fund, as already fraught negotiations intensify ahead of next week’s UN climate summit and carbon prices plummet to an all-time low.

James Delingpole: Yet Another Climate-Change Scandal -

The real peril of "Climate Change" is not the increasingly shaky theory of anthropogenic global warming but the sweeping, eye-wateringly expensive, economically catastrophic policies being introduced on the basis of little more than junk science. On the eve of the U.N.'s Durban climate summit, just as he did two years ago before Copenhagen, the anonymous leaker FOIA has done the causes of truth, rationalism and global justice an enormous favor.

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