Saturday, November 26, 2011

EU carbon price tumbles to new low | Australian Climate Madness

Carbon prices have shed more than half their value since June

Luck and gratitude | Grist

[David "Climate Nuremberg" Roberts] I got my job without a day's experience in journalism or environmentalism -- I just happened to see an ad for an assisant editor on Craiglist and my long, overwrought cover letter happened to reach the right person. I was Grist's fifth full-time employee; I think we're up to 25 or so.

...I might have gone to instead of Craigslist and ended up back in my soul-sapping job writing marketing copy for Microsoft.

Climate change summit: aim for the top | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The will to act on climate change is out of political energy, running on empty. The problem is (relatively) distant, complex and intractable.

South Africa – where climate change may trigger a toxic timebomb | Environment |

Climate change, she says, increases the volume of rainwater, allowing the mines to flood more frequently, and the water courses and rivers to become even more polluted.

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