India earmarks least funds to save environment
The country is spending only 0.012 per cent of its GDP for addressing its primary green concerns including climate change, conservation of lakes and rivers, biodiversity, forests and wildlife, ensuring the welfare of animals and prevention and abatement of pollution.
Mr Evans, 47, told The IoS that Mr Cameron's decision to install the solar panels – alongside a solar thermal system and a wind turbine – now appeared to be "tokenistic". He said: "Installing the three systems meant he could lay claim to his green credentials. It enabled him to say he had renewable energy on his property. It is the case that Cameron wanted his green credentials to be visible to the world. But I don't think he has any green credentials. I think he has yellow credentials – making decisions from a cowardly position. He and others in government got into government through lies. Even though they weren't lies at the time, they became lies because they don't have the strength to stick by the decisions in the first place.
"The guy obviously doesn't have green credentials – he has completely destroyed the industry."
Boston MA : The Global Warming Guessing Game
Less than a week after UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged developing nations to commit billions of dollars to fight the effects of climate change, the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) released a well-timed preliminary report that basically said its climate models were fairly useless at the moment. In the process, they also threw out basic scientific principles by stating that extreme weather events would become more common, and that its climate models didn't have practical predictability.
Obama priority: Global warming intelligence unit? - National Law Enforcement |
Regardless of the fact that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) already possesses a multi-billion dollar intel center for global warming, a new report by a government watchdog group's blogger claims that the Obama administration believes the nation’s intelligence community needs yet another taxpayer-funded entity to better determine the impact of climate change on national security.
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