Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Looking For Ideas | Bob Tisdale – Climate Observations

Just in case you’re thinking that blogging pays the bills, it doesn’t. Here are the specifics for my blogs: I’ve written over 400 posts since April 2008 that have included multiple thousands of graphs, maybe 100 .gif animations, and 32 YouTube videos. On a good day, I get 1000 hits at my blogs, on average about 500 per day. (Yup, blogs, plural. The original blogspot version is still getting hits.) Obviously, most of my exposure comes from Anthony Watts cross posting my posts at Watts Up With That?. (As always, thanks, Anthony.) Like many other bloggers on both sides of climate change, I have my Paypal link for tips. And I’m extremely grateful to the generous souls who have found that link. But, the total deposits to my tip jar over the years have come to less than $1.00 per post. That’s the reality of skeptical climate change blogging. As far as I know, there are no bloggers skeptical of climate change who blog for the money. And I can’t see how I could change that here, especially when one considers that some of my posts have taken weeks to prepare. There are no deep-pocket organizations that fund us. But just in case you’re from a deep-pocket organization, or you’re someone with oodles of money you like to give away, and you’re looking for me to continue writing posts skeptical of climate change on a full-time basis, now is the time to make that gazillion-dollar donation. Just click on Bob’s Paypal link for gazillion-dollar donations. (It’s worth a shot.)

Conn Carroll: FOIA reveals NASA's Hansen was a paid witness | Conn Carroll | Columnists | Washington Examiner

"We're going to punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends," President Obama famously told Hispanics in a Univision interview before last year's midterm election. And as Dr. James Hansen has just learned, your status as Obama's "friend" or "enemy" can flip fast.

A Dark Day in Australia « NoFrakkingConsensus

Reasonable people can disagree about many things when it comes to climate change. But it is not OK to rule out a measure just prior to an election and to then ram it through afterward – especially when you’re perfectly aware that two out of three of the citizens you’re supposed to serving oppose this measure.

Nor is it OK for Al Gore to spin this as a victory for the people of Australia. What a contemptible thing for him to say.

First, the Australian public was lied to. Then its views were ignored. Whether we are climate activists or climate skeptics surely we can agree that this isn’t how democratic government is supposed to work.

Green lifestyle choices shouldn’t clear your conscience | Grist

It is not as though most of those concerned with airline
emissions want to eliminate air travel. We want to keep it from growing beyond
its current level, and to substitute land-based electric transportation where

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