Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Warmist David Appell on the ClimateGate 2.0 emails: "their impact will be devastating...My guess is that these are going to throw the science off-kilter for perhaps the rest of this decade"

Quark Soup by David Appell: Sorting Through the Stolen UAE Emails

On a second reading of the stolen UAE emails leaked today, and just reading the README file emails, these sound worse than I thought at first – their impact will be devastating.

...The red ones strike me as probably devastating. The original release of emails 2 years ago had a significant impact. My guess is that these are going to throw the science off-kilter for perhaps the rest of this decade, and may well lead some people to rethink how they are doing business (including certain journalists). That diversion would be a tragedy, for everyone, because there are still very, very good scientifically proven reasons to think that humans are altering the climate and this will only get more pronounced in the coming decades.


Mervyn Sullivan said...

You know what... the person(s) behind the release of the first lot emails in November 2009, and now this new batch of emails should be showered with awards... Nobel Prize... a Knighthood... freedom of the city in all the cities around the world... honorary degrees in ethics ... and the highest possible scientific achievement award... for exposing the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind by a corrupt group of dirty rotten scoundrels.

Gator said...

I agree that whoever has released these email should be rewarded, handsomely. But please do not tarnish this saint with a Noble Prize.

Anonymous said...

Funny how they still go on about "stolen" emails,