Saturday, November 26, 2011

Trenberth The Missing Heat Fraudster | Real Science

...Now that the climategate letters are out, I understand what that was all about. The models did not show any missing heat, and Trenberth needed missing heat to keep funding coming in. So rather than being honest about it, he made up a nonsensical anti-science story about heat sinking undetected to the bottom of the ocean.

Paleoclimate – Rotten to the core « the Air Vent

Climategate 2 is more interesting than climategate 1 for several reasons.  We’ve seen the infilling of several conversational lines in the original emails, numerous references to funding, corruption and information control, there is additonal reason to believe the IPCC was corrupted by political aims and the thought processes in paleoclimate are more clear.    It will take months to sort the whole thing out but in the meantime, we can understand that the core of thermometer paloclimatology is as rotten as any tree in the forest.

Eight Of The Ten Warmest Texas Winters Occurred Before 1960 | Real Science

Texas’ warmest winter was in 1907, followed by 1952 and 1911.

Durban – your guide to the latest vital climate summit - environment - 25 November 2011 - New Scientist

The Russians and Japanese say that without the US, they are not interested. Ditto China and India. That leaves only Germany of the top six national emitters still in favour of a binding deal.

Even optimists don't think US politicians will be in the mood to consummate a new deal until 2016 at the earliest. The best that can be hoped for is a "coalition of the willing" committed to a stop-gap extension of the Kyoto protocol which does not include the US. We are facing a "lost decade" in climate talks.

Most of the US Senate barely believes in climate change, let alone doing anything about it. Most other nations play lip service, but blame economic travails for postponing hard decisions. Some think the recession will buy us time. Not so. Last year saw the biggest annual increase in carbon dioxide emissions ever recorded – almost 6 per cent. This was mostly due to China, India and others burning more coal, the dirtiest fuel.


[Q] Even so, the climate forecast is bad, right?


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