Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Aussie carbon tax "a trip to the moral high ground" - Guardian | Australian Climate Madness

When even the Guardian thinks that you’ve screwed up, you know you’ve REALLY screwed up. Julia, Greg, Kevin, Penny and all you other Labor no-hopers and no-brainers, read this editorial, bemoaning the fact that Durban achieved essentially nothing

Enron called Kyoto “a victory for us” in 1997 « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Enron was jubilant when the Kyoto agreement was put forward

8.2 Kiloyear Event and You « Musings from the Chiefio

2) There is no “Hockey Stick” here. We have a generally ’rounding over’ series that was higher in the past and is slowly turning into a downtrend from about 1000 BC ( 3000 BP ) to date. Run your eye from peak to peak and visually add in the hoop over the top, the upper bound trend arc.

To Sahel And Back | Watts Up With That?

Conclusions? My only conclusion is that folks are getting desperate for funding, and that the manufacturing of climate pseudo-catastrophes is a booming cottage industry.

Final Score : God 1, Alarmists 0 | Real Science

A few months ago,  the New York Times, Joe Romm, Aggie joke Dessler, and the rest of the climate morons were mocking Rick Perry’s prayers for rain. Perry had the audacity to state the obvious fact “the rains will return, as they always do.


Other Nations should follow Canada’s lead and withdraw from flawed treaty before the end of 2011

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