Tuesday, December 06, 2011

» ‘You’ve Been Gored’: UN Climate Change Convention - Big Government

 Politicians eye enviro issues like bus depot pimps scoping farm girls – which ones can be whored out and for how much money?

Eco taxes will provide an all-encompassing reason to siphon our paychecks.

RealClimate’s Steig: Pacific SST’s influencing Antarctic melt, no link to human causes demonstrated | Watts Up With That?

He noted that sea-surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific last showed significant warming in the 1940s, and the impact in the Amundsen Sea area then was probably comparable to what has been observed recently. That suggests that the 1940s tropical warming could have started the changes in the Amundsen Sea ice shelves that are being observed now, he said.

Three-quarters of climate change is man-made : Nature News & Comment

Natural climate variability is extremely unlikely to have contributed more than about one-quarter of the temperature rise observed in the past 60 years, reports a pair of Swiss climate modellers in a paper published online today.

Durban 2011 – “We’re All Bernie Madoff Now” | Real Science

In order to sustain our lifestyles, we need to take billions of dollars away from trusting dupes.

Sir David Attenborough fears his grandchildren will not see polar bears - Telegraph

Speaking at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Centre in London, Sir David said his grandchildren may not see polar bears in the wild.

“They may not see polar bears. Polar bears are the obvious and most celebrated possibility of collapse,” he said. “Penguins will change their distribution
there is no doubt about that.”

David Attenborough - Biography

Has a daughter, a son, and several grandchildren.

If David's grandchildren are alive now and aren't seeing polar bears, maybe it's because they're not looking in the right places? Should we assume that as of today, CO2 has killed all of the polar bears?

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