Saturday, December 17, 2011

Big storm in the Alps

“I’ve rarely seen so much snow on the roofs in the Alps – it’s more like Yellowstone National Park!,” says reader.

Jeff Masters Explained | Real Science

The record cold in the southwest is being caused the massive loss of ice over the last 15 years, which you can see below – if you squint real hard and take the right hallucinogens.

Which Other Minorities Should Be Blasted into Space? « NoFrakkingConsensus

So I have a question for California governor Jerry Brown, Richard Branson, and the 200 or so others who participated in that event:

Which other minorities should also be disposed of?

How funny would it have been had Pachauri said that gays should be given a one-way ticket to outer space? Or Muslims?

Coal miners to blame for floods - Brown | Year In Review 2011 | BigPond News

In January Greens leader Bob Brown says the coal mining industry should foot the bill for the Queensland floods because it helped cause them.

...'It's the single biggest cause - burning coal - for climate change and it must take its major share of responsibility for the weather events we are seeing unfolding now,' he told reporters in Hobart on Sunday.

'We know that the oceans around Australia are at record high temperatures, and that's causing the moisture in the air which is leading to these catastrophic floods.

'It is costing billions of dollars, besides the pain, the anguish, the loss of life, the destruction and it should not be left to ordinary taxpayers to bear the full brunt of that.'

Jeff Masters Explains How September 2007 Ice Extent Is Causing Record Cold And Snow In New Mexico In 2011 | Real Science

Arctic ice extent is currently the highest for the date in at least five years.

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