Sunday, December 25, 2011

Climate Science’s Dirtiest Little Secret | Real Science

What this shows us is that the sensitivity of climate to CO2 is essentially zero. Temperatures are lower than Hansen’s zero emissions (humans disappeared off the face of the planet eleven years ago) scenario.

Last week, Hansen said :

The paleoclimate record reveals a more sensitive climate than thought, even as of a few years ago

This statement is complete unmitigated bullshit.

Hansen has definitely disproven the basis of his theory, but he continues to pretend that he doesn’t know about it. Billions of dollars are being wasted on the biggest scam in the history of science.

Rahmstorf Proves That Natural Variability Is Larger Than CO2 Forcing | Real Science

Global temperatures have declined this century.

...This bothers Rahmstorf, so he calculated (graph below) what he thinks temperatures would have done since 2001 – without natural variability.  He believes that temperatures would have risen just as fast as they did the previous twenty years, due to increased CO2 in the atmosphere.

What he has unwittingly proven, is that natural variability is larger than the CO2 signal. Game over. Put a fork in it. Alarmism is done. Rahmstorf has spoken.

Cool summer has seafood lovers copping the raw prawn

Unseasonably cold weather has created cooler waters which prevent Australia's famous prawns from growing as big and as fast as usual.

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