Monday, December 05, 2011

Missing You - Ballad for the Incadenscent Lightbulb - Video

Climate Common Sense: Hind-casting Accuracy - 74% of Warming Man-made!

The once-great Scientific American has the story of an "independent study" (whatever independent means) that has found that 74% of warming since the mid-fifties is man-made and that natural variability is only 26%. The article has the obligatory chimney stack spewing out smoke which I guess is meant to represent the colourless and odourless CO2 - the old SciAm would have known the difference..  Of the .5 degree rise since 1950 only .07 degrees has been attributed to the sun which I find odd considering a solar minimum caused the little Ice Age.  Considering the "travesties" mentioned in the Climategate emails and the general confusion among emailers the improvement in accuracy of these recent studies is amazing  - 74%  implies an accurate calculation whereas 70 to 80% would be quite sloppy.

With the astonishing number of variables that can affect global temperatures these researchers whipped up some models that gave the calculated temperature rise as .55 degrees very close to the target figure of .5. Of course people more cynical than I might say that they had the answer before they created the models and the models might possibly have been adjusted if the result was way off base. The lack of warming in the last 15 years is not discussed and we do not know how the models coped with this fact or whether it was ignored the way other climate "scientists" have ignored it. Of course those same cynical people might also question whether SciAm would have published independent research that said the majority of warming was natural.

The Joys (and Stresses) of a Wood Stove -

I spend at least an hour a day trying to keep our cabin from being too hot or too cold. It’s rarely just right.

Phil’s Data Shows A Big Warm Up Since 1878 | Real Science

HadCrut lists February, 1878 at 0.269 and February, 2011 at 0.273. If February continues to warm four thousandths of a degree every century and a half, we could see a total meltdown by the year 20,000.

The Carbon Sense Coalition » Bad Stuff Happens

Maybe “extreme weather events” are “normal” here on earth and man has very little to do with most of them. Someone needs to tell the pampered pontificators of the IPCC: “Bad Stuff Happens– get used to it, make appropriate preparations – you are not going to stop it.”

A comment on extreme weather from the Soviet era: “Soviet farm production was down again because of the 23rd consecutive year of unusual drought.”

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