Monday, December 19, 2011

On "Real"Climate, warmist Mark Boslough suggests that climate realists are afraid to present arguments at "mainstream" scientific conferences; he also suggests that warmists aren't invited to speak at climate realist meetings

RealClimate: Climate cynicism at the Santa Fe conference

The Third Santa Fe Conference on Global and Regional Climate Change was held during Halloween week. It was most notable for the breadth of opinion — and the span of credibility — of its speakers. I have long complained about the lack of willingness of most contrarians to attend and present their arguments at mainstream scientific conferences. After three years of convening climate-related sessions at AGU, I have yet to receive an abstract that argues against anthropogenic global warming. Such presentations can usually only be seen at conferences held by the Heartland Institute. There isn’t much chance of a mainstream scientist attending a meeting organized by a political think tank known for its anti-science activism, so opportunities for interaction between the groups are rare.
...Reading about climate change in the mainstream media — let alone on blogs — can be like looking at reality in a funhouse mirror.

...I spent a lot of time talking to Christopher Monckton, who may have been the only non-scientist to give a presentation. He has no understanding of science or the scientific method, and when I asked him about scientific prediction, he called it a “fool’s errand”.

...The one common thread I found among them was the fervent belief that “Climategate” was a conspiracy and that the IPCC is rigged. This faith-based belief seems to be unshakable, and is the antithesis of true skepticism. Those I met were uniformly cynical about the honesty and motivations of mainstream scientists. If I were forced to use a single label, I would be inclined to call them “science cynics”.

Flashback:  CAP and blunder – but Joe Romm is still invited to ICCC6 | Watts Up With That?

Lakely adds it is a “myth” that only skeptics are invited to Heartland climate conferences.

“We always invite the ‘other side,’ but few accept the challenge,” Lakely said.

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