Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Shock: Pielke "the debate over climate science is over" Jr hearts Dot Earth

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: 2011 Awards

[Best Individual Blog:  Dot Earth] I don't know where he gets the energy or the patience, but Andy Revkin's Dot Earth at the New York Times is an institution in media coverage and commentary on the environment and climate change in particular. Over the years, Revkin has taken heat from just about everyone in the climate debate -- me included;-) -- and he has continued to produce daily (and sometimes hourly) content that can be found nowhere else. Revkin's email chains are legendary and are a key tool to get experts talking among one another, which serves his blogging but also the community itself. Revkin has moved slowly but steadily toward asserting his own voice, which I hope continues. For me, 2012 will see a dramatic turn away from climate as I devote most of my time to a new book, but DotEarth will be one key way that I'll keep touch.

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: About Those Skeptics

The debate over climate science is over and has been won by those who assert a human influence on the climate system.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The debate over climate science is over and has been won by those who assert a human influence on the climate system."

If that human influence is 0.005%, then he would be right.