Thursday, December 29, 2011

Slopping At The Hansen Trough | Real Science

Right about almost everything? Dead certain multi-metre sea level rise? Temperatures below scenario C? Manhattan underwater? Coal death trains?

Has there ever been a more clueless scientist in the history of science? ROFLMAO

A Rational Thought Process? | Real Science

  1. I expect the weather to be bad – due to CO2
  2. The weather is bad today
  3. It seems like the weather is worse than it was when I was a kid
  4. This proves that the weather is bad due to CO2

An alternative explanation is that kids don’t care about or notice the weather. It takes a good 20 years for most lefties to go off the deep end.

Climate Scientists Tacitly Acknowledge The Use Of New Hallucinogens | Real Science

WTF are these people talking about? The only difference I see in the world is the percentage of morons willing to speak out about things they seem to know nothing about.

Nobel Laureate Speaks About The Most Pressing Issue Of Our Time | Real Science

Al Gore: I told you, we need to fill the cave with hot, molten lead, ’cause it’s the only way to make sure Manbearpig never comes out. And I’m saying it and I’m totally cereal but everyone just keeps digging!

Policeman #1: Well, see, the problem is, if we fill the cave with hot, molten lead, it will kill those boys too.

More Evidence Of Global Weirding At The Poles | Real Science

In the latest sign of global weirding, global sea ice extent remains close to the 30 year mean. Hansen forecast a huge loss of sea ice at both poles, so the only possible explanation for the normalcy of the ice – is global weirding.

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