Saturday, December 17, 2011

Target-rich Business Week article: Jerry Brown on climate science: "It's difficult to see what's not completely obvious; Pachauri suggests that CO2 causes extreme weather deaths; Schwarzenegger compares Solyndra to a failed restaurant

Gov. vows to prepare Calif. for climate change - BusinessWeek

"The greatest obstacle we face is a deep sense of complacency, a sense that things were this way yesterday and were OK and will continue," Brown said.

"It's difficult to see what's not completely obvious ... the buildup of greenhouse gases and climate change, we see it, it's pretty clear," he said.

...Pachauri said UN studies show that 95 percent of human deaths associated with extreme weather events happen in developing countries.

..."At the same time (as Solyndra) there were restaurants that failed, manufacturers that failed ... all kinds of businesses that failed and no one talks about that," Schwarzenegger said during a short interview.

"They did the best that they could and they made mistakes. That's what happens in business -- if you make mistakes you fail."

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