Friday, December 16, 2011

To the Guardian: You cannot make good public policy on mistaken premises | Watts Up With That?

[Goklany] Damian Carrington’s Environment Blog at the Guardian proclaims: Climate deal: A guarantee our children will be worse off than us. This myth —perhaps myth-take would be a better word—has been addressed previously at WUWT.

Opponents of Light Bulb Ban Win a Big Round, But Battle Far from Over - Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog - A Conservative Blog

Opponents of the ban should take heart from this news but not rest. Although I have not seen the actual language in the tentative agreement announced tonight, it almost certainly only covers spending money to enforce the ban in 2012. Assuming the agreement is adopted, that gives ban opponents a reprieve but that's it. The ban is still law, it's just a law that is not being enforced at the federal level. To stop enforcement in 2013, we'd need another victory like today's.

Bottom line: As long as the ban is law, ban opponents haven't really won.

Frankly, I'm amazed the Democrats are fighting this as much as they have been. Throughout 2011 I have been on talk radio shows (including many that are not overly political or conservative) all over the country talking about this ban, and I've been struck by how many of those who call in who don't appear to be conservatives, or even particularly political -- but they are strongly against this bulb ban. Sure, it's not as big an issue as unemployment or the deficit or many others I could name, but it matters to people, and, despite what the left keeps claiming, it's a real ban. No, not on every incandescent light bulb, just the ones Americans buy most.

WG1 More Chapters Linked « the Air Vent

Is this a good time?

Additional chapters released from WG1 of the IPCC.

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Prediction Evaluation: Carbon Price Edition

On June 16, 2008, the head of Deutsche Bank Asset Management opined in the FT that carbon allowances on the EU ETS were soon to hit 100 Euros

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