Sunday, December 04, 2011

Warmist science fiction author Bruce Sterling: You know what trace amounts of natural, invisible CO2 are like? They're like having a wolf in your living room

Bruce Sterling: Climate Change Is Now A 'Melancholy And Tiresome Reality' | ThinkProgress

It’s just kind of a blunt reality that the fossil-fuel enterprise has done a regulatory capture of the entire planet, and we’re involved in a war for oil, and it’s the curse of oil, and it’s a war for a curse that’s endless and happening. You know, it gets boring running around being a Cassandra. Starting Earth Day in 1970 was a pretty late start considering the multicentury scope of this problem.

I will pass the rest of my lifetime in the shadow of climate change. It’s not about warning people in 2011, or trying to avert or defuse a misfortune. The wolf is beyond the door. The wolf is in the living room. This is the anthropocenic condition. This is how we live. This is force majeure. It’s here. It’s very obvious.
...The global climate crisis is the climate crisis and it’s global because the globe is an externality. “Don’t pollute you, don’t pollute me, pollute that fellow behind me.” Just throw that into the atmosphere because the atmosphere is somebody else’s problem.

The thing that encourages me or sort of offers daylight is there’s no pro-climate crisis party.


SBVOR said...

I've encountered paranoid schizophrenics who, IMO, had a better grip on reality than Bruce Sterling.

SBVOR said...

Click here for a dose of the reality which exists outside the delusional realm inhabited by Comrade Sterling.