Thursday, December 15, 2011

Widespread snowfall across Britain

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” said Viner.

C3: IPCC's Claim That Antarctica's Ice Sheets Are Melting Due To Global Warming Is Found To Be Fraudulent

Simply stated, West and East Antarctica are just too freaking cold for any melting to happen, with the exception of coastal areas that already are affected by moderate maritime temperatures.

Despite this actual empirical evidence, the fraud-centric IPCC and its associated scientists still make claims that Antarctica is warming and its gigantic ice caps will soon melt, thus flooding the world. These are flat-out false claims designed to only promote hysteria.

Green policies to add £110 to energy bills - Telegraph

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: All the Hot Air in China

[WSJ] Cutting carbon emissions requires restructuring the economy. Which is why Beijing won't do it.

Carbon price - EU: $8 (and falling), Australia: $23 (and rising) | Australian Climate Madness

Carbon prices will end up like the Chicago exchange, worth a few cents, whilst Australia commits economic suicide from next July with a price of $23.

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