Tuesday, January 10, 2012

- Bishop Hill blog - A call for reproducible research

I think we need a law in this country that says that scientific findings for which data and/or code are not available should not be allowed to inform public policy.

- Bishop Hill blog - James Padgett on Wikipedia and Soon

My children tell me that they are taught at school that "Wiki always lies". This is probably going too far, but on climate change matters, it's probably best avoided.

That sinking feeling

[The Maldives] is losing three inhabited islands a year, swallowed by the ocean, [Nasheed] explains...The country also has a serious drug problem. An epidemic of cheap heroin has swept through the archipelago and taken root in Male´ in particular. The UN has estimated 40 per cent of the country's youth use hard drugs.

What You Need To Know About Hunger In 2012 | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide

9. By 2050, climate change and erratic weather patterns will have pushed another 24 million children into hunger. Almost half of these children will live in sub-Saharan Africa. (Source: Climate Change and Hunger: Responding to the Challenge, WFP, 2009)

Companies Face Fines for Not Using Unavailable Biofuel - NYTimes.com

1 comment:

susan said...

The Maldives flogs women it deems adulterous per the Koran. In Nov. 2011 UN Human Rights Cmsr. suggested they stop this and Maldivians called to have her arrested for speaking against Islam.