Thursday, January 05, 2012

The climate change message is not being heard. Here's how to change tack | Sunny Hundal | Comment is free |

Asked if we worry too much about the environment and not enough about prices and jobs, a decade ago 50% of Britons disagreed. Now that number is down to 34%. "People may be less likely to change their behaviour for the sake of the environment if this will cost them money, time or effort," said the BSA report.

The change in attitudes has been starker in the US: the percentage of Americans who believe climate change is taking place has plummeted from 71% to 51% in recent years.

The 2011 Climate B.S.* of the Year Awards - Forbes

Steve McIntyre
And finally, the “dishonorable” mention of the year goes to Steve McIntyre for his despicable smear of climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann of Penn State University (and to Anthony Watts for amplifying that smear) by drawing a parallel between the Penn State pedophilia investigation and their separate scientific investigation of questions about climate research (in which Professor Mann has been completely and repeatedly exonerated). Joe Romm discusses this disgusting case here.

The 2011 Climate B.S. of the Year Award was prepared by Peter Gleick with an independent group of climate scientists and communicators serving as nominators, reviewer, and voters. Thanks to all who participated this year. See you next year.

The Reference Frame: Chinese airlines refuse to pay EU climate change levy

Chinese airlines won't pay the fee that the carbon criminals in the Brussels would love to call a "law".

Why Keith Olbermann Didn't Appear on Current TV's Iowa Coverage -

Here's the full article in the Reporter.  And here's one of its most interesting facts: 

Countdown is the highest-rated show on Current by far. On Dec. 15, the program averaged 52,000 viewers among news’ target demographic of viewers ages 25-54. The network’s two-hour post-Iowa GOP debate analysis on the same night had 4,000 viewers in the demo, while the 2 a.m. rebroadcast of Countdown pulled in 11,000.

Only 52,000 viewers?  And it's the highest-rated show on Current "by far"?

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