Thursday, January 05, 2012

Climatesense-norpag: Comment on Dot Earth 1/4/12

Andy - At various times over the last year you have appeared to consider climate science more objectively - yet here you go again with the notion of a "fundamental Republican science problem " . The Hadley Sea Surface Temperature data is the best metric for climate change . The 5 year moving SST temperature average shows that the warming trend peaked in 2003 and a simple regression analysis shows a nine year global SST cooling trend since then

What Financial Meltdowns Teach Us About the IPCC « NoFrakkingConsensus

According to Pachauri, we should all trust the IPCC’s findings because thousands of people take part in the process that produces them. He would have us believe it isn’t possible for a large group of individuals to delude themselves, to be mistaken about important matters.

But that reasoning is flawed. We now know that entire countries can – and do – fall under a spell. We know that entire societies tell themselves fairy stories that aren’t remotely true. We know that entire populations are capable of exercising monstrously bad judgment.

The mere fact that lots of people took part in the delusion didn’t save Iceland, Greece, or Ireland from their day of reckoning. Nor will it save the IPCC.

See page 4 of this PDF for Michael Mann’s claim that the computer code which produced the hockey-stick graph – the most important piece of visual information in the 2001 IPCC report – is “a private piece of intellectual property.” Backup link here.

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