Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Email 4131, Phil Jones, April 2007: "These requests are harrassment despite what you say - just look at their website!...We make the gridded data available. This is enough for normal climatologists."

Email 4131

I still feel that, in light of the Keenan response, this is harrassment. Keenan's request was not vaxatious, but his recent email clearly is. What is there to stop them once they get the data from starting down the Keenan route. The latter has a good chance of wasting a lot of my time nnd I don't want thtis to go beyond putting things on web sites.

I would like to have a meeting with some more people in ENV or elsewhere at UEA before doing anything. Perhaps Michael can talk to a few people. These requests are harrassment despite what you say - just look at their website! Even if the request letter looks fine, the website shows that it isn't. My belief is that even if I made all the data available it would just open things up and I would be harrassed for months to come. I know I have nothing to hide, but I am getting quite worked up about this.

We make the gridded data available. This is enough for normal climatologists.

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