Friday, January 06, 2012

Emanuel’s wife really ‘ashamed to be an American’ |

Kerry Emanuel may simply say he is ‘ashamed to be an American‘ because of Republican climate skepticism, but his wife may take the cake.

Emanuel’s wife, the Boston-born Susan Boyd-Bowman, actually surrendered her U.S. citizenship to become a UK citizen. Unconfirmed rumor is that Boyd-Bowman never got over her 1960s-era anti-US militancy.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Sorry about test comment, thought I could overwrite real one.

Perhaps her reason was the crackdown on U.S. citizens "hiding" money abroad - thousands of duals are renouncing - altho they have to be up-to-date on tax status to do so - but because the future holds even more draconian steps - banks are already not accepting accounts from U.S. citizens, with more to do so as FATCA (geddit?) approaches.