Saturday, January 21, 2012

GHCN Say It Can’t Be That Cold In Greenland « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT

By cooling the actual temperatures up to about 1980, and increasing temperatures since, they have magically warmed Nuuk by about 1C.

Sea Surface Temperatures declining over past decade « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

The trend is especially strong in the southern hemisphere.

Amid Solar Bankruptcies And Red Ink – David Suzuki Insists Solar Power “Is Free, Man, It’s Free!”

Defending Climate [Hoax] Science's Place In The Classroom : NPR

NCSE executive director Eugenie Scott talks about how teachers and parents can fight the push to get climate change denial into the classroom.

...I'm Ira Flatow....In other words, it's hotter than ever in modern history...SCOTT: I think a website that I've found very useful and I recommend to people and will certainly link to it from the resources on NCSE's website is climatescience dot - excuse me, It's a very useful site. It's written by scientists and knowledgeable people, engineers and the rest and they have very clear explanations with links, you know, documented scientific research supporting their views for the top 100 or so climate change denialist arguments.

So if you want to know whether sun spots are the cause of the global warming, well, they'll explain that very clearly to you and they actually have, for most of their refutations, they have more than one level. So, you know, here's the basic level and here's the more advanced level and you click on the advanced level and you get the 8X10 glossies and a lot more detail than probably most people actually need. But it's a very useful site.

And there are other sites also, De-Smog blog is another one that refutes many of the arguments.

Twitter / @skepticscience: Earth Day: A day of darkne ...

  Earth Day: A day of darkness to prevent an age of darkness

Identification and characterization of abrupt changes in the land uptake of carbon

  • We detect an abrupt increase in the land uptake of carbon in 1988
  • We also detect an abrupt decrease in the atmospheric CO2 growth rate in 1988
  • The abrupt shift does not seem driven by ENSO nor by volcanic eruptions
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I liked the other comment by Suzuki from that video:

    "The thing about sunlight that's wonderful, is that every country in the world has access to the sun, so it's not a matter of a few rich countries that happen to have a few big deposits of coal or oil, now this is about equity, all the countries have access to this."

    He's right, AGW is about equity, justice, redistribution of wealth from the North to the South, and equalization of all economies.

    Too bad for the developed economies, their economies are going to go down because there isn't anywhere near enough natural resources in the world to support the world's population living a lifestyle like they do in developed countries.