Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Michael Mann Defends Climate Computer Models: Scientific American Podcast

[Mann] "I have to wonder if Freeman Dyson will get on an [fossil-fueled] airplane or if he’ll drive a [fossil-fueled] car because a lot of the modern day conveniences of life and a lot of our technological innovations of modern life are based on phenomena so complicated that we need to be able to construct models of them before we deploy that technology.

...In this case, the worst that can happen is that we ruin the planet.”

Scientific advance did not create most technologies | JunkScience.com

[Tim Hammond] Many of our more advanced technologies were in use before we had any inkling of the science behind them. We flew, used electricity, took quinine and vaccinated long before we understood how or why, and even today we do not know how general anaesthetics work...The simple truth is that most of our technologies were not invented by scientists and were not invented because of a breakthrough or advance in science. They came from the efforts of individuals and teams trying to make things work in different and better ways. Science is a wonderful thing, but it is not a prerequisite for innovative technology.

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