Sunday, January 01, 2012

Pesky ozone hole blamed on COOLING

Despite the Montreal Protcol banning "ozone destroying" CFCs now having been in force for many years, the Antarctic ozone "hole" has not been playing ball. Instead of shrinking, it just waxes and wanes each year as it always has, with some very large holes recently.

But what about the Arctic hole? It is even more pesky. It has been at its biggest extent recently. How to explain that? Somebody must be desperate as they are now explaining it by recent COOLING. Cooling in the Arctic? It is a Warmist item of faith that the Arctic is WARMING! It looks like you can't have your hole and your warming too!

Articles: Two Silly Notions: Biofuel Mandates as Carbon Neutral and Rhino Horn Medicine

Whether or not you believe in anthropogenic global warming and the ability of the world to do much about it should it actually exist -- I don't, by the way -- the EU demand that there be a substantial increase in the use of biofuels to reduce greenhouse emissions seems to be yet another example of cockeyed planning by people who know nothing of science or math.  

Basic Science For 2012 | Real Science

  • CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
  • When you drive you car, you make CO2
  • There were floods and tornadoes last year

Conclusion : The world is doomed

- Bishop Hill blog - Shukman on windfarms

I don't know about you, but I think if Shukman had reported that it was going to take 600 turbines to replace a conventional power station viewers would have gained a remarkable insight into the sheer insanity of offshore wind. The conflating of installed capacity of windfarms with their actual output is an problem that has been repeated so often over the years that it is hard to accept it as an error any longer.

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