Monday, January 30, 2012

Rajan's Take: Climate Change: UK CRU/Met Office confirms: Warming deceleration trend for last 15 years; Sun hibernation till 2100

The gravy train which NGOs like Oxfam, Greenpeace; ChristianAid, ActionAid (and their likes) had hitched on to during the last two decades are coming to an abrupt end. And as they pick themselves up from the crash, they will find that if they survived, only to end up a laughing stock. Their advocacy and programmes were singularly focussed to “adapting” to global warming at a time when the planet was actually fast hurling into a Little Ice Age. It is the same kind of tragic irony if India were to amass their entire defence forces in the southern coastlines to counter Sri Lanka and Maldives when their real security threats were China and Pakistan on their northern borders! That’s the kind of big hole the burst of the global warming scam punched into the credibility of these NGOs!

Al Fin: Global Cooling: A Return to the Age of a Frozen Thames?

Of course there is a lot more going on with the climate than solar cycles. But thanks to the impressive solar changes that we are witnessing, we may be closer to seeing who the big boss of the climate truly is.

But since many hundreds of billions of dollars in carbon taxes, carbon trades, carbon reparations, and carbon hysteria oriented research are at stake, do not expect the orthodoxy of climate alarmism to take all of this lying down, frozen Thames or no frozen Thames.

Obama’s 22-car salute to gesture politics | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

President Barack Obama goes to the UPS Depot in Las Vegas to promote clean energy:

President Obama proposed several federal initiatives favoring the use of natural gas for transportation, including getting more natural gas vehicles on the road using federal fleets ...

Here is the green-preaching Obama arriving at the UPS Depot in his fleet of 22 fossil-fueled cars

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