Friday, January 27, 2012

Santorum: Romney, Gingrich ‘bought into global warming hoax’ |

In tonight's Florida GOP presidential debate, in his closing statement, Rick Santorum gestured over to Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney and said very matter of factly:

Cap-and-trade… both of them bought into the global warming hoax… cap-and-trade, top-down control of our energy and manufacturing policy…

1 comment:

Contrapundit said...

YES! Its amazin how this went over without any ruffles, you had Newt & Mitt looking like guilty dumb school children. And the crowd, and the CNN people, no sounds of shock or surprise, no no... this is 'anti-science' or anything.

Moreover, I hear that there was a bit of a 'twitter stir,' but in general it seems not much of any leftist outcry to speak of, no mockery from Jon Stewart or the like.

So.... we can see the light at the end of tunnel. But don't let our guard down!