Tuesday, January 31, 2012

T. Boone Pickens Promises to “Call Out Special Interests” That Oppose His Special Interest

It’s wholly untrue to claim that President Barack Obama is picking and choosing winners in the energy industry, because this administration seems to only pick losers

Another Day, Another Distortive Attack On Climate Change - Forbes

I’ve been accused on this blog of being mean to climate deniers – of calling them “deniers” when they fancy themselves “skeptics”.  Well, what else do we call people who ignore and even distort evidence that doesn’t support their prejudice? I can think of words that are a lot worse than “denier”, but changing our terminology to suit deniers is like calling a thief a businessman just because that’s how he sees himself.

Sorry, But David Attenborough Is Wrong About The Polar Bears

So in fact the population of the Davis Strait increased over the last 30 years, in spite of global warming, from 726 to 2,142. But now it is supposed that they are in decline, in spite of there being no actual population study.


Eric Simpson said...

Thanks for the link to the bullshit forbes article, where I left this comment:

Mr Zwick, you compare skeptics to thieves, and say that there is no way you can use any other term but the appalling Denier, which is associated with Holocaust Denier. Get off it. One of these days we will, then, think of comparable terms for you, and your ilk.

The only thieves are the leftist deceivers and manipulators that propagated AGW “science” for ideological reasons. This is irrefutable and fully documented… and self-admitted by many of the scammers. In a Pew Poll only 19% of Repubs believe in man-made global warming, yet nearly ALL liberals say they believe. Coincidence? Quit presenting page after page of tendentious verbiage that purports to be science, when it is undeniable that AGW is not about science but about leftist politics.

Eric Simpson said...

In a Reply, I also left this at the forbes article (p.3 of comments):

Legjoint, it’s some color Herring that you bring up Europe to say there isn’t an inherent Left – Right divide on agw. Al gore, the leader of the movement, is American. Europe is notorious for its social welfare state: hence huge debt and all. A “right wing politician in Europe” is an oxymoron. Europeans are not loathe but in love with the idea of big govt controls on everything… so global whatever fits right in.
Nevertheless, see: http://notrickszone.com/2012/01/30/german-fear-of-warming-plummets-yet-to-be-published-skeptic-book-climbs-to-amazon-de-no-4/
No one contests the inextricable leftist origins, going back to Club of Rome, of the global cooling, and subsequent global warming scares. Odd, but both of them had the same solution: cut industrial production.