Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Why Are Liberals Blind to Their Bias? | NewsBusters.org

Evidence abounds: Scholarly studies show that mainstream journalists are overwhelmingly liberal, yet many deny it, and many honestly don't even see the biases they bring to their selection and reporting of the "news." ABC's Christiane Amanpour, for example, denies her liberal biases, saying she "remains in the realm of fact." ...Members of the man-made global warming cult dogmatically proclaim a consensus despite strong dissent. Environmentalists extrapolate this mindset in their approach to scores of issues, traveling utterly quixotic paths and pursuing devastatingly expensive larks while dismissing skeptics as flat-earthers. Obama constantly refers to his ideas as self-evidently reasonable and Republicans' as driven solely by partisanship, because how could they possibly oppose his reality-based proposals?


Sean said...

Because liberals KNOW they are smarter than everyone else and have the credentials to prove it. There is no need for humility in the face of the unknown.

nobody said...

It is simple. They have a deep belief that reality is optional and unknowable to them. They also believe that what they believe creates reality so one does not need to discover what reality actually is. All one has to do is enlist enough people in a common belief and *poof* it is real.

Their belief is based upon the belief of the next person who's belief is based upon the next person until the circle is closed. It is a tunnel of mirrors - a summation of zeros.

See post modern philosophy and post normal science for instructive detail.

Anonymous said...

Most of the egoists so called liberals are parasitic hypocrite totalitarians that rage to sacrifice humankind, as Aztecs, Incas, Mayas etc tried, COLLAPSING by their hate for providence for ALL!...