Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The Arctic Is Ice Free, But Venice Is Frozen Over | Real Science

Bias In Arctic Satellite Sea Ice Trend « the Air Vent

An Interview with Weather Underground’s Dr. Jeff Masters

Unlike Al Gore, he does not think we are all going to drown. To the contrary he says that drought is the danger. So he appears to be ignorant of even High School physics. A warmer world will mean warmer oceans which will evaporate off more water to fall as rain and snow. In other word, a warmer world would be a WETTER world, not a drier one. He is obviously a smart man so he is a good illustration of how cults can warp the minds of people. One has to wonder if he has ever seen a warming kettle give off steam

How reliable are global temperature “anomalies” ? | Watts Up With That?

My conclusion is that anomaly measurements before 1920 are unreliable, while those after 1920 are reliable and  independent of normalisation method. This reduces evidence of AGW since 1850 from a quoted 0.8 +- 0.1 degrees to about 0.4 +- 0.2 degrees

HadCRUT : Antarctic Peninsula Temperatures Peaked In 1974 | Real Science

It is amazing going through the HadCRUT records, and seeing just how completely FOS Hansen is.

Shock News : Without Human Influence, The Planet Would Be Cooling Slightly | Real Science

As opposed to Earth cooling rapidly? Perhaps humans are cooling the planet too much.

» The Coming Global EPA’s Gestapo Units with Marc Morano Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Marc Morano talks about the control freaks’ latest efforts to run every aspect of our lives.

Stupid Horses | Real Science

In 1896, horses were too stupid to turn on the air conditioner.

When Hansen adjusted 19th century temperatures downwards, I wonder if that brought the horses back to life? We now know that the weather was always pleasant prior to 1988.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Suggested reading for Michael Mann, Phil Jones, et al

An interim report released in October 2011 by Tilburg University, Netherlands, concluded that one of its faculty members, social psychologist Diederik Stapel, fabricated data for numerous studies conducted over a period of 15 to 20 years.* The good news, of course, is that the fraud was eventually uncovered. The bad news is that it went undetected for so long and involved so many scientific articles—over 100 publications are now under investigation. The costs of the fraud for the careers of young scientists and others who worked with him, for science, and for public trust in science are devastating. As the investigation unfolds, the moment is opportune to reflect on what can be done to protect science and the public from fraud in the future.

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Is it the dry that's going to get us now?

Oh, it's Jeff Masters of the "heads I win, tails you lose" school of global warming.

Last year Masters was saying global warming causes record moisture in the warm air which in turn becomes blizzards and record snowpack when touched by winter.

he's the sort of liar that would evaporate like a vampire hit by the sunlight if he ever stepped out of the Huffington Post - MSNBC - Desmog blog, microclimate.