Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The BBC is killing Britain's recovery – Telegraph Blogs

The BBC is not a benign organisation. Indeed, it probably bears greater responsibility than any other institution for Britain's cultural, moral, intellectual and economic decline. Even if you were just to consider its outrageous, misleading propagandising over climate change, you would have more than reason enough to scrap the licence fee.

The Greening of India: AD 1981-2000

In spite of climate-alarmist warnings of the destructive consequences of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and what they describe as the unprecedented degree of global warming that they contend is driven by the rising concentration of the demonic gas in earth's atmosphere, the planet's biosphere continues to respond in positive fashion by growing ever more productive, as the ubiquitous CO2- and warming-induced Greening of the Earth phenomenon continues to grow ever stronger ... in this case, in India.

CO2-Induced Warming or Natural Little Ice Age Demise?

Akasofu predicts the temperature increase over the 21st century to be 0.5°C ± 0.2°C, rather than the much greater 4°C ± 2°C that is predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Global Warming Hysteria | MikeStopa.com

Sound science will, unimpeded by the hysterics, lead to sensible public policy. It is my belief that the final conclusion will be that CO2 produced by humanity will be found to be of only minor importance for global climate and that it will be heavily outweighed by exchange of heat with oceans of evolving temperature and other factors such as solar-determined cloud formation. But I am open to evidence and, alas, a lot of global warming hysterics in the scientific community (and especially in the non-scientific, political community) have their ears stopped with gobs of wax.

Smoking Gun At GISS | Real Science

Game over. This is not legitimately handled data.

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