Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chris Mooney offers climate wisdom, world’s top climate scientists immediately correct record « Shub Niggurath Climate

- Bishop Hill blog - Public should be charged to see their own papers

This is thoroughly dishonest by the mandarins. If the cost of an FOI request exceeds a few hours then it is already possible to charge. In my experience, the bulk of civil servants' time is spent trying to work out how not to comply with their legal obligations rather than trying to locate the information.

And what about the second bit? Civil servants refuse to write things down because anything they do might be disclosed by FOI? Who are these civil servants who are refusing to write things down? And why haven't they been sacked for trying to circumvent the law?

Dishonest mandarins - who would have thought it?

A fish story from Antarctica | Watts Up With That?

It seems all the warming is in the peninsula, in the air temperature record, where all the people and energy use to keep them warm is.

Climate Common Sense: Shark attacks caused by global warming or maybe cooling?

The "scientist" involved neglected to tell us that in 2011 the ocean temperature was dropping rapidly as shown by the Hadcrut figures and an alternative theory could be that the attacks are caused by "global cooling" but that would not suit the Warmist propaganda machine.

Obama wants 29% increase to DOE budget for renewables - Politics - Renewable energy news - Recharge - wind, solar, biomass, wave/tidal/hydro and geothermal

"We believe that onshore wind is a success story," Chu said, noting that private industry is driving continued improvement of "known

"Onshore wind is the second-least-expensive form of new energy available in the open market. Natural gas is the least expensive," Chu said. "...
Offshore wind is considerably more expensive, so we're shifting our resources to making that a financial reality."

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