Wednesday, February 22, 2012

CP24- 'World-leading' B.C. carbon tax to be reviewed

VICTORIA — British Columbia's "world-leading" carbon tax is being reviewed because the rest of North America hasn't followed through on pledges to keep up, the province's finance minister says....He brushed aside suggestions that he was telegraphing the demise of the controversial tax by saying he "wouldn't make that leap."

The drama or the soap opera: the future of Deniergate : Thoughts from Kansas

I don't speak for NCSE on this blog, and I don't know how this is sitting with anyone else at NCSE, but I'm personally still shocked by it. Heartland had been spreading rumors trying to implicate Gleick last week, using the flimsiest evidence possible: the leaker seemed to live in Pacific Time, the leaker seemed to bear animus to Heartland, the leaker seemed to like Gleick. There are actually quite a few people who live in Pacific Time and like Gleick and don't like Heartland (indeed, people who like Gleick almost all dislike Heartland), and I publicly defended Gleick against what I considered scurrilous and baseless charges. I specifically told people that I did not consider him to be capable of the sort of unethical acts which he actually did undertake. All I can do is apologize for feelings I hurt and insult I caused. My motives were good, but my information was clearly incomplete.

StormInATeacupGate 3.0, now with added finger-pointing – Telegraph Blogs

the 1,000 emails and 3,000 documents from 13 years of correspondence were gone over with a fine-toothed comb. And nothing incriminating was found.

GOP Not Listening to Its Own [Junk] Scientists on Climate Change | InsideClimate News

Bickmore continues to try and educate Republican voters through his blog Anti-Climate Change Extremism in Utah, which receives about 11,000 hits each month and sums up what politicians and the media are saying about climate change. It also chronicles any misinformation being spread by skeptics and Bickmore's attempts to correct it.

...DeWitt, the scientist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is certain that oil industry donors, which have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to fight climate legislation in recent years—and powerful conservative advocacy groups like Americans for Prosperity— are calling the shots.

300-million-year-old 'Chinese Pompeii' found buried under volcanic ash -

About 300 million years ago, volcanic ash buried a tropical forest located in what is now Inner Mongolia, much like it did the ancient Roman city of Pompeii.

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