Saturday, February 04, 2012

DIE WELT: Claims Of Global Warming Contradicted by Renown Scientists And Latest Data

Another of Germany’s leading dailies, DIE WELT, has a skeptical piece (for a change) on global warming - written by Dirk Maxeiner and Michael Miersch. Read here. It starts:

The claim that man was causing global warming has long been said to be irrefutable. But this is contradicted by renown scientists but also by the latest data.”

William M. Briggs, Statistician » On Corrections In Science

Science is like the branch of a tree that twists and grows in the direction of the strongest sunlight and nutrients, i.e. money. But not only that. Scientists are just people and they like to get along with others, especially colleagues. They will thus often hold an idea more strongly just because others hold it, too.

Lies, Damned Lies, And Polar Bear Statistics | Real Science

In a normal Gaussian distribution, we would expect to have nearly half of them declining, and nearly half of them increasing.

Hansen’s Magical 1200 km | Real Science

Hansen fills in his huge areas of missing temperatures (Arctic, Africa, etc.) using a 1200km extrapolation. This is based on the idea that you can calculate the temperature in Chicago within 0.01 degrees, based solely on the UHI corrupted temperature in Tallahassee, Florida.

GISS Temperature Trend Is Complete Garbage | Real Science

This is blatant scientific fraud. As you can see below, he had almost no temperature data in the 1880s for Africa, Greenland, South America, Northern Canada, Siberia, The Arctic, the Antarctic and South Asia.

RealClimate: So What’s A Teacher to Do?

If you are a climate scientist, please give us your contact information so we can consult with you.

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