Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Double standards | Planet3.0

Scientists are held to an impossibly high standard, while Heartland and others are able to get away with murder (figuratively speaking of course). If Heartland were judged the way Peter Gleick is being judged their reputation would be so tarnished it would be less that worthless.

Idiot Tracker: Romm v Revkin

Are we under the impression that all scientists are impeccably honest and forthright in all their personal and public affairs? And if they've ever breathed a word that wasn't true, told a girl she looked pretty when she didn't, promised a parent to call and didn't, parked in a loading zone -- that's it. No more reputation for you!

C'mon. Am I the only one who thinks Revkin calls it "an act" because to actually describe it would make it abundantly clear that it is an "ethical lapse" in the same way driving five miles over the speed limit is a "criminal act"?

AGU has a bet each way on the Russian heatwave of 2010

It was within the range of natural variation but still caused by global warming, apparently. I guess it is a sign of the times that they admit to ANY natural causation. The CO2 "contribution" was detectable only in their "models", of course, models that have never been shown to model anything real

Arrgh! Carbon dioxide is not an atmospheric pollutant! |

Still the fraudulent misanthropic rebranding continues – CO2 is an essential trace gas, without which earth’s aerobic biosphere will collapse (that means green plants and everything dependent on them, including us). Even ten times (10xCO2) the current level of atmospheric carbon dioxide, something we can never hope to achieve, would simply lead to more abundant life on earth – a prospect which seems to upset greenies no end.

We are all for enhanced oil/gas recovery but this nonsense about atmospheric carbon dioxide being “pollution” to be disposed of at great expense has simply got to stop. It has been a very successful rebranding exercise by greenies and we must push back – hard!

Now that We Know | Planet3.0

Now that we know that it’s just amoral rich people (as opposed to corporations)  feeding the denialism industry, let’s see if we can guess how they operate.

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