Wednesday, February 15, 2012

GISS Caught Tampering With Temperature Record In Minnesota « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT

Whether this corruption of the data is intentional or not, it is apparent that the temperature records of both GISS and GHCN are rapidly running out of credibility.

Richard Littlemore | Heartland Confirms that it Mistakenly Emailed Internal Documents

Heartland then goes on allege that one of the documents (the Climate Strategy) is a fake.

...The DeSmogBlog has received no direct communications from the Heartland Institute identifying any misstatement of fact in the "Climate Strategy" document and is therefore leaving the material available to those who may judge their content and veracity based on these and other sources.

- Bishop Hill blog - Big bucks

A few days ago, a blog called "Not a lot of people know that" published the results of an FOI round-robin, which sought to determine how much the UK was spending on climate research. The results were as follows:

I can...reveal that, during the financial year 2009/10 (the most recent for which the data is available), Research Council spending on “climate change research and training” amounted to £234 million. This analysis was provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) on behalf of Research Councils UK (RCUK).

CO2 is not a Greenhouse Gas that Raises Global temperature. Period!

Now the Skeptics are dividing as they gradually recognize that neither CO2, nor its ersatz substitute climate sensitivity, function as greenhouse gases to raise global temperature or cause climate change. Studies appear more frequently reducing the climate sensitivity as they gradually accommodate the accumulating evidence. Many Skeptics dismissed and attacked the scientific evidence presented in the book Slaying the Sky Dragon, now more accept. I joined the project because the physicists confirmed my concerns about the political position taken by Skeptics. The science is settled and the debate is over for the Warmists. However, science continues with the Skeptics, as it should.

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