Thursday, February 16, 2012

If Al Gore Had a Change of Heart; It’s that Big - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

Germany’s envirowhackos have gone incendiary, as a former apostle of the climate change religion, Fritz Vahrenholt, has coauthored a new, best-selling book that casts doubts on the shoddy science of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The mean greenies in Germany are so hot at Vahrenholt that they probably ought to charge themselves a carbon tax, or buy on offsetting credit, or just kick back and relax with a cold drink on a furry polar bear rug in front of a big log fire.

The CLIMATE SCEPTICS Blog: A 4000-Year History of Greenland Surface Temperature

Since the Greenland summit's decadal warmth of the first ten years of the 21st century was exceeded fully six dozen times over the prior four millennia, it is clear that it was in no way unusual, unnatural or unprecedented; and, therefore, it is clear that none of Greenland's recent warming need have been caused by increasing greenhouse gases. Indeed, it is far more likely that its recent warmth is nothing more than the next expected phase of the natural oscillation of climate that has produced several-hundred-year periods of alternating warmth and cold over the past four thousand years.

Whining about wine « Musings from the Chiefio

You can find this same grape production report info in many different reports. What it all adds up to is two things:

There was less sun, warmth, growing season.

Wines will be in shorter supply and at higher prices going forward.

I would also add that: The grapes are not lying, nor ‘adjusting their data’. They clearly state that “Hottest Ever” and even “Among the hottest 10″ is just bunk. We did not have 1/3 improvements in production (the inverse of a 1/4 loss now) in 2010 vs 2009 or 2008. The grapes are saying that there is something a bit bogus in the “hottest” claims.

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