Friday, February 03, 2012

In case you missed it: Revkin claims that Michael Mann's "Critics can feel free to debate him"

A Shameful Attack on Free Speech by a Group Claiming to Speak for Coal-Dependent Workers -

Nonetheless, here’s the note that I submitted in place of the offered language (my note was rejected automatically, perhaps because I’m not from Pennsylvania):

I’ve covered climate science fairly and accurately since 1985, including through more than 15 years as a reporter at The New York Times. Even though I’ve disagreed with him on some matters, I strongly support the right of Professor Michael Mann to speak at Penn State or anywhere else on the subject of climate change. Critics can feel free to debate him, but have no right to muzzle him.

Can people like Marc Morano, Lord Monckton, etc really feel free to debate Mann on TV about the global warming hoax?  I think Mann is absolutely terrified of the idea of debating climate realists, in public or private.

1 comment:

Stan said...

Critics can feel free to publish in scientific journals -- oops, except they can't. They can feel free to submit comments to the IPCC -- oops, except the hockey team will treat them dishonestly.