Sunday, February 19, 2012

Is Heartland Making Global Temperatures Fall? | Real Science

Heartland’s denial machine – funded with nearly as much money as Prairie Dog researchers in Boulder, Colorado – seems to be controlling the climate and making global temperatures fall.

This is bad for children, who need to be taught in public schools that all natural phenomena are caused by their evil, selfish parents.

Antarctica Has Ice : This Proves Global Warming | Real Science

I’m converted! A photograph of ice in Antarctica and a forged document have convinced me that Stephen Hume is a completely clueless and useless  journalist.

Wind Energy Versus Keystone - Political Calculations - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

So we see that just this one pipeline project, which would add to the estimated total of 55,000 miles of crude oil trunk lines in the U.S., would outproduce the entire U.S. wind power industry in terms of actual energy production by a factor of nearly 5 to 1.

Another Million Dollar Global Warming Scam | Real Science

Tim DeCristopher decided to save the planet by fraudulently winning some BLM gas leases which he never intended to buy. He was convicted of fraud, and then set up a fund which lost another million dollars including money from donors wanting to help him on his moronic Quixotic quest.

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