Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nature: Gleick went ‘over the line’ |

But Gleick was “in line with some of the tactics used to undermine climate science”?

Nature comments on “Deniergate” in its Feb. 23 issue (“Over the line: Dishonesty, however tempting, is the wrong way to tackle climate sceptics”)

Mr. Worthing: Alarmists in turmoil

From JoNova:

"In this upside down world, Heartland are the ones trying to start a science debate on a shoestring budget, while the establishment scientists, with 10,000 times the funding, debate whether they should steal things instead.

The so-called “hero” scientists hurl names and unscientific ad-homs in lieu of evidence and reason."

Greenwire: Enviros fumbled on Gleick |

“Gleick’s actions last week could potentially damage the public perception of climate scientists in ways that have a lasting impact.”

$6: Florida gas prices moving toward Steven Chu’s goal of $9-10 |

The Obama administration is accomplishing another of its goals.

“Nature Fakery” | Hoover Institution

These days “nature fakery” lives on in school curricula and popular culture, from Earth Day celebrations to Disney cartoons like Pocahontas. Only now this myth is renamed “environmentalism” and disguised with a patina of scientific authority. Worse yet, this allegedly scientific information provides the basis for government policies that impact our economic productivity and national security. The furor over global warming illustrates this unholy alliance of ancient myth and misleading science. For years we have heard claims that the evidence for global warming caused by human-generated “greenhouse gas” is “incontrovertible,” as the American Physical Society claimed last year in a policy statement, and that “if no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur.”

The proof, however, for such apocalyptic scenarios is incomplete, inconclusive, and weakened by extensive counter-evidence, such as the inconvenient fact that no warming has occurred for the last decade. Yet, from the Kyoto protocols to the recent attempt to impose a carbon tax in the United States, various schemes to “decarbonize” the economy to forestall this alleged environmental catastrophe continue to be proposed, at a potential cost of trillions of dollars.

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