Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Perverse Mind Of The Global Warming True Believer | Real Science

Yesterday there were claims made that that a skeptic organization had received a private donation of several million dollars, and alarmists were up in arms.

Compare that to the billions of public money stolen from taxpayers to finance scams like Solyandra, and the hundreds of millions which fly around for garbage like this:

...Private donations represent freedom. Government fraud and theft is corruption and slavery.

Why Farms [Allegedly] Want Cold Winters | Grist

My dad's been farming in Minnesota for many decades, and I don't ever remember him wishing for colder weather in the winter.

The Truth Peddlers: Smoke and Mirrors in the Climate Debate - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

A new book by an executive at a major German power ultility claims we aren't facing a climate catastrophe and rejects current mainstream ideas on global warming. Both climate change skeptics and those who warn of global warming profit from such controversies -- so who should we believe?

Twitter / @StateDept: #SecClinton

: More than one-third of current global warming is caused by short-lived pollutants.

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