Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snow piled 10 metres high along Japanese road | Daily Buzz - Yahoo! News

Impact of climate warming on upper layer of the Bering Sea - SpringerLink

The impact of climate warming on the upper layer of the Bering Sea is investigated by using a high-resolution coupled global
climate model. The model is forced by increasing atmospheric CO2 at a rate of 1% per year until CO2 reaches double its initial value (after 70 years), after which it is held constant. In response to this forcing, the upper layer of the Bering Sea warms by about 2°C in the southeastern shelf and by a little more than 1°C in the western basin.

[Feb. 8, 2012]: Arctic ice extent low overall, high in the Bering Sea « Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

ice extent in the Bering Sea was much greater than average, reaching the second-highest levels for January in the satellite record.

Environment ministers of BASIC to discuss climate strategy - The Economic Times

NEW DELHI: For the first time since the December climate change meet in Durban, environment ministers from the BASIC countries - Brazil, South Africa, India and China - will come together in New Delhi this week. The meeting will be focused on working out a common and concerted strategy on the proposed new global climate change regime.

Editorial: California’s cap-and-trade slush fund | california, warming, state - Opinion - The Orange County Register

We warned long ago that the state of California's war on global warming never really had much to do with the globe getting warmer. Rather, it's always been about control and money.

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