Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Strange World of Andy Revkin on Twitter (and an Offer to Debate from Michael Tobis)

[Harold Ambler] I recently challenged Revkin to a public debate, after he indicated that the greatest damage from Peter Gleick’s strange behavior was that it dampened the likelihood of a meaningful debate about how to respond to climate change. I said, since you view debate in such favorable terms, perhaps you would like to debate me? If not, why not?

Cue the crickets.

[Ambler to Tobis] To Steven Mosher you once wrote the following:

The scientific community pisses me off regularly and substantially. I feel like paraphrasing Einstein and saying, “Do not worry about your problems with the scientific community. I assure you mine are far greater.” I understand you want to air the dirty laundry. You understand that I don’t, but you don’t seem to understand why I don’t.

Let me explain why. It is not because I am a pusillanimous chickenshit, Mosher. It is because the fucking survival of the fucking planet is at fucking stake. And if we narrowly fucking miss pulling this out, it may well end up being your, your own fucking personal individual fucking self-satisfied mischief and disrespect for authority that tips the balance. You have a lot of fucking nerve saying you are on my “side”.

I guess I would like to start by asking: Are you comfortable with the statement you made? Would you like to amend it in any way, or say anything different to Mosher today?

C3: AGU Scientific Integrity (Whitewash?) Task Force: Will They Exonerate Peter Gleick's Deception & Fraud?

Based on recent experience of the investigations of scientific wrongdoing in the realm of "consensus" global warming science, the official whitewash (coverup?) and the usual condoning (the-ends-justify-the-means) rationale will likely fall into the laps of Gleick's former "integrity" AGU comrades...

Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Frustrating

In other words, shame on Gleick for stooping to the level of those corrupt and evil skeptics.  A sentence or two of denunciation of Gleick for an actual crime, accompanied by 500 words of unsubstantiated ad hominem attacks on skeptics.  Nice.  I try to have a “let’s play nice” response and this is what comes back in return?  Very frustrating.

Siberia flight limitations possible as EU tax anger mounts — RT

Russia is considering imposing limitations on flights over Siberia for EU air carriers in response to the bloc’s implementation of a carbon tax.

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